I Love Them and They Love me by California Cryobank

California Cryobank would like to dedicate this book to all the families we’ve had the privilege of helping to create. And although each family is different, we know they all have one thing in common. And that’s the love inside their hearts for one another. This book has been created as a thank you to them, for allowing us to be a part of their families…and a part of the love they share. Written by Stephanie Lysaght and Illustrations by Annie Hong.
The following is a list of National Organizations which may assist you in obtaining additional information. Please let us know if you are aware of any additional resources that our visitors might find helpful.
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine
1209 Montgomery Highway
Birmingham, AL 35216-2809
(205) 978-5000 - American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB)
8200 Greensboro Drive, Suite 320
McLean, Virginia 22102
(703) 827-9582 - International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination (INCIID)
P.O. Box 6836
Arlington, VA 22206
(703) 379-9178
Fertility Help Hub
Eloise founded Fertility Help Hub following her own problematic route to parenthood, due to her husband’s genetic condition, Klinefelter Syndrome (affecting approximately 1 in 660 men), which makes him infertile. He underwent a difficult sperm retrieval operation in the States which was sadly unsuccessful and so, there in New York, they embarked on IVF with donor sperm from California Cryobank. After a failed fresh transfer from their first round of IVF, they were blessed with the birth of their eldest daughter from a frozen transfer. Another round of IVF resulted in twins 18 months later and they appreciate how incredibly fortunate they are.
Fertility Help Hub is a leading fertility lifestyle community and platform, which reaches thousands of people around the world who are at different stages of their fertility journeys and are looking for community support, virtual events and expert content / resources. The site and the app guide, support and connect the fertility community during their journey to parenthood and demystify the complexities that arise along the way - everything Eloise wishes they’d had during their struggle to becoming parents.
CCB Friendly Clinics
California Cryobank ships to over 1,200 clinics a year. These facilities have opted to be listed as regular users. If your physician isn't displayed, please have them contact sbrown@cryobank.com to be added to the list.
- IVF Florida Reproductive Associates
- Shady Grove Fertility
- South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine
New Jersey
New York
- CCRM Fertility
- Cornell IVF
- New Hope Fertility Center
- NYU Fertility Center
- RMA New York
- Shady Grove Fertility
Washington D.C.
- Resolve: The National Infertility Association
8405 Greensboro Drive, Suite 800
McLean, VA 22102-5120
(703) 556-7172
LGBTQ+ Couples
Single Mothers By Choice
- Single Mothers By Choice
P.O. Box 1642
Gracie Station Square
New York, NY 10028
(212) 988-0993 - ChoiceMoms
Building Community, Resources and Services for Choice Moms Worldwide - Mocha
Mocha Single Mothers by Choice (Mocha SMC) is a platform that provides community and resources to Black women who are Single Mothers by Choice or considering this path.
Semen Storage
- Fertile Hope
65 Broadway, Suite 603
New York, NY 10006
(888) 994-HOPE
Sibling Registries / Donor Offspring
- California Cryobank Sibling Registry
www.cryobank.com/services/sibling-registry/ - Donor Sibling Registry
www.donorsiblingregistry.com - COLAGE
Andrology / Male Infertility
- The Center for Male Reproduction
2080 Century Park East, Suite 907
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 277-2873