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CCB Videos

Thanks for visiting our video gallery! Here you will find a number of videos to help you understand and learn about the world of donor insemination through California Cryobank. There are a variety of videos on many topics, from how we recruit and screen our sperm donors, to a behind-the-scenes look at California Cryobank. Enjoy!

CCB Family Stories


Meet Jamie & Melissa


Meet Choice Mom Felicia


Meet Sarah and Chris


Meet California Cryobank


How to Choose a Donor


How Expanding Genetic Testing Works


Want to become a CCB Sperm Donor?


Decisions, Decisions


CCB Insiders

Our talented staff provides answers to some of your most common FAQs related to donor insemination, sperm donors, assisted reproductive technology, and California Cryobank.

Creating a CCB Account


CCB Donor Look-a-Likes


Donor Mis-Conceptions


Co-Founder of Sperm Bank Discusses IUI vs. ICI


How Do I Know I'm Getting the Vial I Bought?


Anonymous Sperm Donor Contact Policy


The CCB Sibling Registry


California Cryobank Cord Blood Advantage Program


Why Are Some Sperm Donors Retired?