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Infectious Diseases Screening

Infectious disease testing is done on all donors during initial screening and repeated approximately every 3 months thereafter. Testing includes:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • CMV Total antibody*
  • Hepatitis B Virus surface antigen
  • Hepatitis B Virus core antibody
  • Hepatitis C Virus antibody
  • Hepatitis C Virus NAT (Nucleic Acid Test)
  • HTLV I/II antibody
  • HIV1/HIV2 antibody
  • HIV 1 NAT (Nucleic Acid Test)
  • Syphilis Serology

*If reactive, additional tests are performed to exclude an active infection

View CMV Testing FAQs

Following current FDA recommendations, donors are ineligible for six months following travel to at-risk countries. A six month deferral from donating for a presumed exposed individual is considered an extremely conservative window (ample time) to mitigate transmission through viral shedding.

California Cryobank is currently following the FDA's recommendations to reduce the risk of Zika virus transmission by human cell and tissue products. California Cryobank is also amending our current donor travel questionnaire to include regions that are considered high risk for Zika infection according to the CDC. These regions currently include: Mexico, Central America, South America, Caribbean Islands, French Polynesia, Samoa, Cape Verde Islands, however they will be updated according to guidance issued by the CDC. We have also reviewed travel histories of men who donated in the past year to assess possible exposure.

If you have further concerns, please contact our Client Services Department at 866-927-9622.